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This is the first story I have read by this author. In this short story she gives you a glimpse of a southern household during the slave era. I liked her story but am hoping it is part of a larger story. I would like to read more about the household in the time frame leading up to the events in this short story. I will be checking out Katrina's other work as it did leave me wanting to read more.
Wulfwyn907 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
I really love this authors writing. She has the ability to draw you into the story, making you live it with the characters. She writes of a time in American history that many would rather forget as it shames the country. The problem is when you forget history, you leave it open to be repeated. This is why we need authors who are not only willing to write about this history but have the talent to make history interesting. Most of us learned history from dry history books. The author brings it alive for us. It is a compelling story she tells us. Some of the things she writes may make you squirm as it should. This should not steer you away. We need to feel uncomfortable. We need to feel what the characters felt. The author does an amazing job with this task. Most of the characters are likable. The few who aren't, shouldn't be. There was a part that I found hard to believe but I let the author know and she is addressing it. I recommend this book, (I think it is okay for older teens. It does have adult issues. As they are a part of history it is something I think is good for them to read). It is a fast, interesting and relevant book. I am beginning book 2 and am looking forward to it.

*Thank you to the author for providing a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my honest feelings and thoughts.*
Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
I found this book to be rather interesting. Knowing that the fictional stories were in fact based on historical events allowed me to take a new perspective as I read. I found this to be a well written collection.
BookGeekBeth | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2018 |
This is an interesting novel. The plot is different, but not unique. The main character is interesting enough to draw the reader in. The concept of his nickname is odd, but funny. The events are fast-paced and the setting is perfect for the novel's purpose. The reader may have liked a few of the secondary characters to be high-lighted a little bit more. The dialogue fits the novel, the characters help pull the novel together; the author could have emphasized a little bit more on the war itself. Overall, this book is recommended for adults.

3 stars
Icecream18 | Jun 23, 2011 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Another freebie I received from Member's Giveaway. These stories were interesting. They were about slavery, racism and the Vietnam War.

For more of the review, visit my book blog at:
booklover3258 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 22, 2011 |

Once again I was transported back to a time when people lived in a state of desperation and none felt it so keenly as those in slavery. In this story you're reminded just how harshly human beings were treated in those times and how society spurned them on a daily basis only seeking to make their lives much harder than necessary. The sense of desperation comes from the desire to change your circumstances and try to live a more comfortable life by ridding yourself of the one thing that makes it hardest on you. This desire sometimes moves good people to do things they never would have done otherwise.

Katrina Williams Parker writes with such a vividness that you can see the characters and sympathize with them as they go through their individual trials. "Missus Buck," is a wonderful short story with a macabre ending that is surprising in its supreme justice. I am looking forward to when Katrina writes a full length novel!

-Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club

Read more:
RavenswoodPublishing | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 8, 2011 |

Katrina Parker Williams has a way of weaving a story that makes you believe she was right there and saw it happen. The stories in this book are rich with history and the truth of what it was like to live in that day and age as an African American slave. You can see, as well as feel the horror, heartbreak, sadness, and even some of the happy times that went on in the lives of these people. The stories are well written and told in such a way as to draw you in and make you see the characters in your mind as though you were standing there with them.

There are times you just want to reach out and hug them and tell them it will be alright or laugh with them as you witness some of the more humorous side of their lives. Katrina Parker Williams is an author I will be looking for in the future, I will definitely seek out more of her work!

-Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club
RavenswoodPublishing | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 4, 2011 |
If you liked "Slave Auction" and "Rock" from Trouble Down South and Other Stories, you're going to love to hate "Missus Buck," a 6850-word short story about an elderly woman, advanced in years, who fosters a spirit of hostility toward her daughter-in-law because she believes her to be a commoner. Their family descending from German aristocracy, Missus Buck believes her son has married beneath him when he weds Missus Julie, who feels the sting of her disapproval even from the first day she met her. Missus Buck shows no mercy towards Missus Julie's slaves and squares off with Missus Julie's favored slave, the feisty Rubeline.

good reads summary

This novel will leave the reader wondering about the other two books Katrina Parker Williams wrote. The main characters are fairly well-developed. The reader will dislike Missus Buck, as it Katrina's intention, for her snooty ways and high airs. Miss Julie is to be pitied, the reader will pray for her to stand up to Missus Buck more, but be happy with Miss Julie's kind attitude. Rubeline will probably be one of the reader's favored characters, she is truly spunky and fun to read about. The dialogue was well-done, the reader will truly feel the atmosphere. The plot is nothing extremely special, but the dialogue is fun to read and will evoke reactions with the reader. This book is a good read for young adults/adults.½
Icecream18 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 4, 2011 |
I received a copy of this book through the author herself.
This was a wonderfully, rich book. I loved the ambience, all the Southern mojo in its pages. It really brought the feeling of the deep South, wrapping it around me as I read.
The stories themselves are amusing. They are little snippets of people’s lives throughout many time periods, which makes it very interesting to see the changes in the treatment of African Americans through the years. The one that stuck with me the longest was the one called “Slave Auction”. The feeling of loneliness and abandonment when the little boy is separated, sold off, from his mother is incredible, to the point of making you want to put the book down. It’s very strong, and what makes it even worse is that these kinds of atrocities really happened.
The writing is smooth and easy, making it a breeze to read the stories in pretty quick fashion. The cast of characters is varied and original, the plots amusing and self-contained.
I can easily recommend this book to pretty much anyone. Loved it.
valca85 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 26, 2011 |
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