
Wanda WiltshireRezensionen

Autor von Betrothed

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* From the publisher for review *

Allegiance by Wanda Wiltshire is the second in the Betrothed series, and picks up right where Betrothed left off.

We catch up with Marla, who has left Faera, and is upset about leaving her betrothed Leif behind. Marla is supported by her best friend Jack and after realising her romantic feelings for him, they become an item.

This is the beginning (or continuation) of a love triangle between the three main characters (Marla, Jack and Leif) and the romance forms a large part of the novel. There is physical yearning - between both couples - that is repeatedly denied and which reminded me of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Allegiance will appeal to readers who loved the Twilight series. However if I'm honest, this isn't me.

The book started to pick up for me when Marla returned to Faera and started to assist in the tracking down of the Shadow Fae. It was interesting learning about the evil and darkness in Faera (not just all the good stuff) including the origin and methods of the Shadow Fae. Their motivations and reasons for bringing horror upon the citizens of Faera was realistic and fit with the fantasy world the author has created.

This darkness and tension was definitely more my style and I really enjoyed this part of the novel. Even more, my reading was enhanced by the use of a handmade and personalised bookmark from the author.

The next in the series is called Confused and is due for release in 2015.
Carpe_Librum | Aug 15, 2014 |
First in the Betrothed series. Severe allergies, fragile health and teasing have haunted adopted Amy Smith's seventeen years. But recently strange dreams have also been haunting her. Night after night a voice calls for a girl named ‘Marla’. Leif eventually finds her and tells her that she is like him - fae - and that she is Marla, destined for him from birth - this explains her pointy ears! But Leif is prince and Marla is in incredible danger from his father the King who was spurned by her mother.

Leif is an arrogant control freak and I didn't enjoy the whole misogynistic and patriarchal world that Wiltshire has made faerie into it. Most of the book is taken up with Marla trying to seduce Leif - when he has already made clear that sex won't happen until they are married. This gets really repetitive and boring. So I finished the book but won't bother with the rest of the series - disappointing.
DebbieMcCauley | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 9, 2014 |
*From Publisher for Review*

Betrothed is the debut novel from Australian author Wanda Wiltshire and is the first in an 'enchanting faery series'.

I had the pleasure of meeting Wanda Wiltshire at a Pantera Press Book Launch event in April this year and was immediately impressed by her love of books and writing.

Betrothed is about 17 year old Amy Smith, a sufferer of chronic allergies who's been having weird dreams about the name 'Marla'. Amy finds out that she's been connecting telepathically with the drop dead gorgeous Leif, a Prince from another land with so much to tell her.

Amy asks her friends to call her Marla and her best friend Jack supports her but her feelings for Leif make it hard for Jack and Marla, who seem to mean more to each other than just best friends.

Betrothed is the perfect fantasy romance for young readers and is a very quick and enjoyable read. There are questions about identity, and I thoroughly enjoyed the construction of the Fae world and its inhabitants; my favourite parts of the novel.

I also found it refreshing that Marla told her sister and parents what was happening with Lief straight away. It's so cliche when the main character can't share their news for some reason, or it has to remain a "secret". I was so glad that everyone could see Lief and Wiltshire did not fall into the same narrative traps that plague many other authors in the YA genre.

While romance isn't really my cup of tea, I have to remember the audience Betrothed is written for and I'm confident it'll be popular amongst YA readers. Well written and without a single error - extremely rare in this day and age - the cover of Betrothed is a delight and the storyline is well positioned for the next in the series.
Carpe_Librum | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 30, 2013 |
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