
Angi Ma Wong

Autor von Feng Shui Dos & Taboos

11 Werke 130 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Angi Ma Wong is a feng shui consultant, author, and promoter of Asian-American businesswomen. She has been featured in newspapers, on radio, and on TV, including Oprah, and has consulted to businesses such as Universal Studios, Four seasons Hotel, Motorola, and Bank of America. She lives in the Los mehr anzeigen Angeles area. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen

Beinhaltet den Namen: Angi Wong

Bildnachweis: Photo courtesy of Hay House, Inc.

Werke von Angi Ma Wong






Feng Shui Dos & Taboos
For Financial Success
by Angi Ma Wong

In this small but "chunky" little book the author gives us about 330 different suggestion written in very simple language than can be helpful to bring in and not impede the flow of financial success. In the introduction their is an explanation of the art of feng shui and how to use it in your life.

I was smiling as I read these wonderful suggestions. Who would have thought that hanging pictures of cardinals could improve my longevity, or that wearing the color purple could help me feel more wealthy? I sometimes find myself so caught up in concerns and worries about my finances that this book helped to give me a metaphysical way to contribute to my financial success.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
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biunicorn | Mar 24, 2012 |
I was skeptical about this concept to begin with, and this book did nothing to change my mind. It probably would help if it included more general, practical decorating advice, and tied that in with the concept of Feng Shui.
therestlessmouse | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 5, 2011 |
Around 450 tips on 400 pages of giant text tips of feng shui can be found within this book. Each tip starts with either Do or Don't, which makes things a little easier, and all the tips are in ABC order for easy reference.

Two things irk me in this book. First, why couldn't they user normal size text. They would of cut the size in the book in half, making it pocket size and helping the environment, and doing so would of cut the cost of the book. The second thing is they're just a few words of advice for each tip that rarely goes over 50 words per page. There's almost no explanation on why do do any of these tips beyond it helping or destroying an element or personal trait or desire, and there's nothing to say what's good to add in combination to any of these tips.

On its own, this book is a pass, but it might help if you're already doing feng shui and you want something as a limited, slightly bulky guidebook along side a more detailed feng shui book.
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SanoChi | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 16, 2010 |
antonypradeep54 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 16, 2007 |



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