
Charlie Wood

Autor von Strike: The Hero From The Sky

21 Werke 119 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Werke von Charlie Wood






*I received a copy of this book from Charlie Wood for an honest review.*

Wow, this book was quite the adventure from the first page. I really enjoyed the world building and the mix of ancient and modern that gave the world a really unique feel. The characters were all so well thought out as well. This was definitely the best retelling of Snow White that I've ever read. This book seriously kept me on the edge of my seat and was so much fun to read. I can't wait for more books like this from Charlie Wood in the future.… (mehr)
Moshepit20 | Nov 4, 2023 |
This book was electrifyingly adventurous.

You're pulled in from the very first line. The opening is somewhat mysterious, and grabs you, making you want to find out more.

After the initial pull, the story gives slight background of Tobin's life, that of a typical teenager with a bad case of senioritis. Tobin doesn't seem to know exactly what he wants to do in life, but a phone call demanding that he come help a distressed woman changes all of that. Tobin is thrust into a confusing world of strange creatures and superheroes. The real question is, will he be able to handle it all?

One of the aspects that I was most pleased with in this story is that the character dialogue in this story is very realistic and flows smoothly. In some of my latest reviews this has been a sticking point, so I was very happy to read "real characters" The language isn't forced or stiff. The kids use abbreviations, and slang.

The plot flows together nicely. Events happen at a quick pace, like you would expect from an adventure, but not so fast as it doesn't seem real. And in a story about superheroes, you've got to keep it real enough for it not to be campy. I originally thought it might end up being cheesy, but it's not. The fact that Tobin is real makes you feel for him, connect with him. It's the fact that he is a kid with doubts and hesitations. A kid who doesn't just jump into the role of a superhero like it's the normal thing to do, because of the cool super powers.All these things are what keeps the story grounded.

While I was reading, I kept thinking to myself that this was somehow like a live action comic book without all the cool pictures of course. But, through Wood's descriptive imagery, I could see the pictures that might accompany it in my head, which is awesome. I love being carried so far into a story that I can imagine it for myself.

One of the elements that really helps draw the reader in is the authors use of color. I'm a real stickler for details like this to help bring me into the story. When Tobin first arrives in Capricious, he wakes up to find himself lying on blue grass, under a yellow sky, with pink clouds in it. And he's being chased by a blood-red dinosaur. In one of the action sequences, they're surrounded by purple fire. I think it's the fact that Wood uses unusual colors for these objects that helps the events resonate. Clouds, grass, sky these are all normal things, but the colors help carry you away into this alternate world.

While there was great action, and realistic dialogue, not everything was perfect. I was slightly disappointed by the character development. Orion and Tobin, two of the main characters were really well developed. I felt that the rest of the supporting characters weren't developed enough. Interestingly, the characters with the more unique names I found myself wondering about their role in the story, and if they were truly key players. I'm hoping that this will be addressed in the next books in the series.

Overall, this was an excellent read. If you're looking for a great adventure with a superhero twist, this is it. I'm excited to read the next books from this author.

*I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*
… (mehr)
Melissalovesreading | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 30, 2018 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
A lovely novel for all ages, although it would most appeal to teens. You can't help but love Jason, the hilarious foreign exchange students whose comments will be sure to have you laughing out loud, and Kara, who hides her vulnerability with her witty remarks. Truly, The Journals of Kara and Jason is a beautiful, heart-warming novel about friendship, loss, and the importance of being true to yourself.
madamediotte | Sep 14, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I loved this book! I am grateful to the author for sending me a copy to read and review. My interest was to check it out for my 7 year old grandson. He loves to read, and I want to keep it that way. I figure a good way to keep up his interest is to give him good books that will pull him into the story so he can't wait to see what happens next.
This book does just that. It kept me turning the pages right to the end. It is a great story with a young boy as the hero. There is lots of action with characters you'll love and some you'll love to hate. I recommend this book for any age person who likes a really good action story. Thanks again for sending me a copy Mr. Wood!… (mehr)
hitchcockbe44 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 22, 2012 |



½ 4.3

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