
Ernest E. Wood (1883–1965)

Autor von Concentration: An Approach to Meditation (Quest Books)

45 Werke 623 Mitglieder 6 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

Über den Autor

Bildnachweis: Cropped scan of back cover of Pelican Original A448

Werke von Ernest E. Wood

Zen Dictionary (1957) 108 Exemplare
Yoga (1959) 107 Exemplare
The Seven Rays (Quest Book) (1925) 55 Exemplare
Mind and Memory Training (1937) 32 Exemplare
Great Systems of Yoga (1954) 16 Exemplare
Pinnacle of Indian Thought (1967) 10 Exemplare
Yoga Dictionary (1956) 10 Exemplare
Yoga wisdom (Castle books) (1970) 6 Exemplare
Vedanta dictionary 6 Exemplare
A study of pleasure and pain (1962) 6 Exemplare
Taking Charge of Your Life (1985) 2 Exemplare
Destiny (2006) 2 Exemplare
Intuition of Will 1 Exemplar
Lectures 1 Exemplar
Is This Theosophy? (1999) 1 Exemplar
Natural Theosophy 1 Exemplar
Science of Prayer 1 Exemplar
Secret of Success 1 Exemplar
The Dancing Shiva 1 Exemplar





An intriguing examination of the subtle spiritual impulses that dominate and motivate each of us-that lead us to be: poiticians-teachers-ministers-artists-philosophers-writers-scientists.

Humanity, occultism teaches us, is divided into seven distinct groups called 'rays.' Generally speaking, your strongest motivations indicate to which of the 'ray' groupings you belong. You are influenced by all seven rays, occultism suggests, but one of the seven predominates. Would you like to know which of the seven rays is yours? 'With such knowledge,' writes the author, 'we are in a position to choose what games we will play in this life ouf ours.' For instance, if your ray is number one, you are inclined to be independent in spirit and strong in intuition. Is this your ray?

Study this book. Learn, not only what your ray is, but the ratioinale behind the entire concept.

Very few writers have dared to examine this deeply esoteric concept. Ernest Wood has taken the dare. Author of the Quest books Concentration and Seven Schools of Yoga, former President of the Sind National College and of Mandapalle College in India, Wood was subsequently Dean of the American Academy of Asian Studies.


Part I The source of the rays
Chapter I The pillar of light
Chapter II Consciousness
Chapter III Thought-power
Chapter IV Love-power
Chapter V Will-power
Chapter VI Matter, energy and law
Chapter VII The divine and the material
Chapter VIII Harmony
Chapter IX The seven principles
Chapter X Inter-relations
Part II The seven rays
Chapter XI The first ray
Chapter XII The second ray
Chapter XIII The third ray
Chapter XIV The fourth ray
Chapter XV The fifth ray
Chapter XVI The sixth ray
Chapter XVII The seventh ray
Chapter XVIII A master's table
Part III The great use and danger of knowledge of the rays
Chapter XIX Your ray
Chapter XX Progress without danger
Chapter XXI Stages of self-realization
Glossary of principal Sanskrit words used in this book
… (mehr)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
> Babelio :

> LECTURES POUR LES FUTURS PROFESSEURS. — Lorsqu'on commence une École de Yoga, à la soif de lire et de s'informer s'ajoutent les conseils de lecture de chaque professeur, dans chacune des matières enseignées. C’est à l'élève de faire preuve de discernement et d'avoir la sagesse de faire un tri, afin d'aller vers ce qui l'attire d'une part, et d'éviter la boulimie d'autre part (travers dans lequel nous sommes tombées), celle-ci pouvant entraîner une saturation regrettable.
Nous avons donc cherché, fortes de notre expérience (!) à proposer quelques livres de base, qui puissent guider les futurs professeurs sur une voie de sobriété dans le choix de leurs lectures-qualité et non pas quantité.
L'essentiel sur le Yoga est dit dans :
- « Les voies du Yoga » de Tara Michaël (éd. du Rocher).
- « Patanjali et le Yoga » (Seuil), de Mircea Eliade.
- « Yoga et tradition Hindoue » de Jean Varenne, (Retz), celui-ci étant pour le moment épuisé, il faut le consulter à la bibliothèque de l'E.F.Y.
- « Les Yogas chemins de Transformation », collectif paru aux éditions Jean Seveyrat. Ce livre récemment sorti offre une synthèse claire des différents aspects du Yoga. On peut y ajouter deux ouvrages d'un abord plus difficile, mais très complets :
- Le Yoga, immortalité et liberté », de Mircea Eliade (éditions Payot).
- « La pratique du Yoga », d'Ernest E. Wood, (petite bibliothèque Payot).
Et enfin, nous recommandons le « Dictionnaire de la Civilisation Indienne » de Louis Frédéric (Laffont, coll. « Bouquins »).
C'est un outil qui nous paraît assez indispensable, parce qu’il permet la compréhension de nombreux termes sanscrits employés couramment, et qu'il contient en outre des références, géographiques, mythologiques, littéraires, économiques, intéressantes… une vraie mine ! (Claude HUREL et Françoise BLÉVOT).
Carnets du Yoga, janv. 1989
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Joop-le-philosophe | Jun 1, 2020 |
Une vue d'ensemble sur le yoga faisant frequemment référence aux sources classiques de cette discipline.
yogasantosha | Jun 10, 2018 |
Product Description:

Contents: The Ten Oriental Yogas; Patanjali's Raja Yoga; Shri Krishna's Gita Yoga; Shankaracharya's Gnyana Yoga; The Hatha and Laya Yogas; The Bhakti and Mantra Yogas.

About the Author:

"Professor Ernest Egerton Wood (18 August 1883 in Manchester, England; - 17 September 1965 in Houston, United States) was a noted yogi, theosophist and author of numerous books, including Concentration - An Approach to Meditation and Yoga. He was also a Sanskrit scholar. Wood received his education at the Manchester College of Technology, where he studied chemistry, physics and geology. Because of an early interest in Buddhism and Yoga, he also started to learn the Sanskrit language. As a young man, Wood became interested in Theosophy after listening to lectures by the theosophist Annie Besant, whose personality impressed him greatly. He consequently joined the society's Manchester lodge, then one of the world's largest, and in 1908 followed Annie Besant to India after she had become President of the Theosophical Society Adyar. Wood soon became one of her assistants, working in close contact with both Annie Besant and Charles Webster Leadbeater, who had arrived in Adyar in 1909. Due to his close working relationship with Leadbeater, Wood was in a position to observe the discovery of the boy Jiddu Krishnamurti by Leadbeater, who soon declared him to be the vehicle for the "coming World Teacher". Wood's own eyewitness account of the events surrounding this discovery is detailed in his autobiography, Is this Theosophy...?, published in 1936, and in two articles written after that. At the suggestion of Annie Besant, Wood became deeply engaged in educational work. Since 1910, he served as headmaster of several schools and colleges founded by the Theosophical Society. He became Professor of Physics, Principal and President of the Sind National College and the Madanapalle College, both teaching colleges of the Bombay and Madras Universities. He actively promoted theosophical ideas by conducting lecturing tours and publishing numerous articles, essays and books on a variety of theosophical subjects, among them a Digest of Helena P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. His lecturing led him to places all over India, and he also traveled to many countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. India stayed his place of residence until the close of World War II, when he relocated to the United States. It was only after becoming disillusioned about the future of the Theosophical Society that Wood started to devote himself primarily to a thorough study of the yoga ..." (Quote from… (mehr)
Saraswati_Library | Dec 8, 2010 |

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