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Extraños y valiosos, los violetas son humanos nacidos con habilidades psíquicas especiales: ayudan a la policía a resolver crímenes actuando como médiums con los muertos. Llevan una existencia infeliz y dolorosa a merced de una sociedad violenta que los controla, venera y margina, y que necesita sus servicios desesperadamente. Ahora, además, están en peligro. Se han convertido en el blanco de un brutal asesino en serie que ha aprendido a esconder su identidad a sus víctimas. Ante él, sus ojos violetas están indefensos. El agente del FBI, Dan Atwaker, y la violeta, Natalie Lindstrom, perpetuamente aterrorizada por sus visiones, recorrerán Estados Unidos de punta a punta en un desesperado intento de detener al asesino antes de que alcance su macabro objetivo.
Natt90 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 22, 2022 |
Cinco años después de la muerte de Dan y del nacimiento de Callie, Natalie ha abandonado el CCUN y lucha por mantener a su hija alejada de su antigua vida de servidumbre bajo el férreo control del gobierno americano. Vigilada de cerca por el Cuerpo, que espera la mínima oportunidad para hacerse con la custodia de su hija y reclutarla, Natalia intenta mantener una vida normal; educa a su hija y se dedica a mediar en asuntos familiares ultraterrenos, poniendo en contacto a personas con sus familiares muertos. Pero su nueva vida se viene abajo cuando la fiscal del distrito le pide ayuda para condenar a un joven asesino que está a punto de salir impune. Aunque todas las pruebas físicas no dejan duda de su culpabilidad, las víctimas que comparecen en el estrado niegan que él haya tenido nada que ver con sus muertes. Natalie sospecha que existen irregularidades con los testimonios que está prestando un reputado Violeta y se pone a investigar. Sus descubrimiento la llevan hasta el corazón de su peor pesadilla infantil: Thresher, un brutal asesino que fue ejecutado, pero que vuelve del más allá para hacerle la vida imposible.
Natt90 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 22, 2022 |
Fraulein Frankenstein by Stephen Woodworth is a very clever book on the Frankenstein tale. This is 'bride's' tale. Very interesting and had me engrossed the whole way through. It is a dark tale but it would have to be wouldn't it? Very good story!
MontzaleeW | Mar 3, 2017 |
After accepting and settling into the premise I enjoyed this well-written book. At some point in the near future a little more than a dozen "Violets" are born. As adults now, with violet eye color, they are able to contact the dead. This is especially helpful when a Violet is able to call up a murder victim and get a description of the murderer. When I began the book and read the word "soul," I thought this was going to be some sort of religious story. It is not. It is a crime story. Violets are being murdered and a male FBI agent is on this difficult case. Teaming up with a female Violet, they drive their way through murder and mayhem.
phillipfrey | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 10, 2016 |
Violets, recognized by their violet eyes, have a very special ability. They can talk to the souls of the dead. Unfortunately not all of the dead want to willingly leave when they are finished speaking. Natalie always thought her mother was imagining a man she called "The Thrasher", a murderer that had already killed several violets. Now he wants to do much more than just speak.
Carol420 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 31, 2016 |
I wasn't as happy with this book as I have been with the other two I've read, "Through Violet Eyes" and With Red Hands." I gave it three stars because I really didn't dislike it for the story I think it was the subject theme. It dealt a lot with art and dead artist and that just isn't my thing.
Carol420 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 31, 2016 |
transferring reading records from spreadsheet
sally906 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 3, 2013 |
A sleight-of-hand artist and thief is hired to steal the king's olverung, a rare bird with a beautiful song used to entertain the nobles. This started off like a crime caper but then went to some seriously dark (but very interesting) places.
fyrefly98 | Feb 7, 2013 |
Through Violet Eyes is Stephen Woodworth’s debut novel. I thought this book sounded a lot better then it turned out to be. I liked the idea behind the story that is what drew my attention to the book in the first place - it was very different and not something you read about a lot, however, I thought the character development was weak therefore the romantic sub-plot seemed clumsy and forced. The ending was sad and not what I expected, but I am glad it ended the way it did. I will continue with the series. The ending makes me feel like I need to read on.
chrissywest | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 9, 2011 |
This is my first book by Stephen Woodworth. I was very impressed by this story, it was unlike anything else that I have read recently. This is definetly a recommendable book. It held quite a realistic view of societies view of the unknown. Dan's hestiatance with Natalie due to his fear of her ability was one that anyone could relate. I was pleased that he found a way to over come his stereotypes to really care for Natalie. It also interested me the effects of their ability was enough to make some of them crazy in the end, which it is quite believable if you were to spend your whole life talking to ghosts. I just learned that this book is part of a series called 'Violets'. I wonder if there will be just as good.½
1 abstimmen
BookWhisperer | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 11, 2009 |
I found this very original, and a quick but involving read. I admired the handling of the sci/fi aspect, in which the setting is nearly identical to real life, with just one twisty exception... very nice and not overplayed. The writing is average, and there are some cliches, but the pacing is brisk, the premise is novel, and the plot is satisfyingly knotty.
taz_ | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 6, 2009 |
This was sort of your typical "catch the serial killer" thriller with a nice original twist. The Violets make things interesting. I wasn't expecting one of the twists at the end. The next three books in the series will be immediately added to my wish list!
miyurose | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 12, 2008 |
I thought this book was just okay, it wasn't written especially well but the story, atleast, was original. Of course, there is the very well used FBI agent character who made a mistake in his career and lived only to regret it, and then there is his assignment who just must also become a live interest. I thought the character that saved the book was the murderer, and you don't even get really any information on them until 2/3 through the book. It was just okay for me.
artofthejessica | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 8, 2008 |
This book caught my eye here on LibraryThing. I had never seen it before and noticed it had pretty high ratings with my fellow LTr's, so I thought I'd give it a read. I like series and am always happy to find another one to read.

The book was pretty good, it seemed pretty average throughout, until the ending. The plot was a clever idea, special people with the ability to talk to the dead. The author did a great job relating how rotten it would be to have that ability and try to live with it. But I wasn't too impressed at first. The book seemed a bit predictable and I pretty much figured out where he was heading. Until the ending, which I did not see coming. I always like it when an author does something I don't expect in the end, and conversely, I'm usually disappointed when an author takes the easy way out and ends a book exactly as I thought they would.

The unexpected ending bumped the book up from average to above average in my opinion. It was a good read, and I'll be reading the next book in the series.½
NovelBookworm | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2008 |
Still interesting and gripping but losing some if it's power for me. I liked this one but not as much as the first 2.½
TheLibraryhag | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 27, 2008 |
Sequel to With Violet Eyes. Another serial killer novel with a twist. Violet Natalie Lindstrom is just trying to raise her daughter when her conscience drags her into helping prove that a young man is getting away with murder.I enjoyed this book and its prequel, and look forward to the next installment.
sarradee | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 31, 2007 |
I could not put this book down. In an alternate universe a group of people who are born with violet eyes can communicate with the dead.
TheLibraryhag | 12 weitere Rezensionen | May 14, 2007 |
Violets are people with violet eyes who are conduits for the dead – meaning a murder victim can testify at their killer’s trial. In this very intriguing thriller, someone wants Violets dead and FBI agent Dan Atwater must team up with Violet Natalie Lindstrom to catch the killer. One of the better thrillers I’ve read.
hoosgracie | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 10, 2006 |
Good follow-up to With Violet Eyes. It’s five years later and Natalie is a free-lance Violet supporting her daughter while trying to keep her away from the NAACC. When a prosecutor friend asks her for help in case, Natalie is drawn into a serial killer case.½
hoosgracie | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 9, 2006 |
Good for a sequel. Once again if you like books about talking with the dead. check it out!
bookishjoxer | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2006 |
This was really really good. If you are into the talking to the dead sort of thing definately check it out
bookishjoxer | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2006 |
Meh. It's ok. Was a bit weird.
bookishjoxer | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2006 |
mitabird | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 10, 2018 |
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