Albert J. Raboteau Book Prize2014

Vergeben durch Journal of Africana Religions

1 Werk 22 Bücher
The Albert J. Raboteau award is given each year to an academic book that exemplifies the ethos and mission of the Journal of Africana Religions, an interdisciplinary journal that publishes mehr anzeigen scholarship on African and African diasporic religious traditions. Albert J. Raboteau, for whom the prize is named, is author of the classic Slave Religion: The Invisible Institution in the Antebellum South, a book that has made a lasting impact in the field of Africana religions. To become eligible for the award, books must be nominated by an academic publisher, and a prestigious five-member committee is responsible for assessing these nominations and determining a winner. The selection, thus, is international in scope and highly competitive. weniger anzeigen
Alle, 2017 (1), 2016 (1), 2015 (1), 2014 (1), , 2013 (1)
