Vorab-RezensentenChristopher Hearn

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

März 2024 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 25 um 06:00 pm EDT

How Did Christianity Begin? is a tool to help believers have conversations with non-Christians.

It starts with common ground—the fact that Christianity exists. From there the reader is advised to use a “mosaic” approach to their discussions. That is, to take not just one or two pieces of evidence for Christ's resurrection, but to put all of the pieces (or evidence) together. To lay everything out on the table. Their friend can do the same and the two can compare evidence for and against the Bible. When all of the pieces of the mosaic are put together, we will find that the best answer to the question, "how did Christianity begin?” is the bodily resurrection of Christ.

The book does this by giving answers to the following reasons that some give for not believing in God and more:

  • We don't really know how Christianity started
  • Christianity is a made-up religion just like all of the others
  • Christianity has too many legends and myths mixed in with the truth to know what is real and what isn't
  • The New Testament is written too late after the events to be a reliable source for knowing the truth about Jesus
  • There is no evidence for Christianity
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Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
chsh1234 (Autor)
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Februar 2024 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Februar 26 um 06:00 pm EST

In your discussions with those who don't believe in God, have you heard one of the following?

  • We don't really know how Christianity started
  • Christianity is a made-up religion just like all of the others
  • Christianity has too many legends and myths mixed in with the truth to know what is real and what isn't
  • The New Testament is written too late after the events to be a reliable source for knowing the truth about Jesus
  • There is no evidence for Christianity

In this short book, we are going to take a look at answers to all of these questions and more, with one of the goals being that you will be better equipped and more confident to share your faith with others.

How Did Christianity Begin? can be used as a reference book to which you can access often as well as in a class, small group or Bible study at your church.

As the title suggests, we start by asking the question, "How did Christianity begin?” and take it from there. The key to this approach is that it starts with common ground- the existence of Christianity. This is one thing that all people of all beliefs agree on- that Christianity exists. This may sound pretty simplistic, but God can use it in a powerful way.

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Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
chsh1234 (Autor)
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