Vorab-RezensentenRachel Khong

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

March 2017 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 27 um 06:00 pm EDT

“Tonight a man found Dad’s pants in a tree…” So begins this funny and inescapably touching debut from a wonderfully original new literary voice. “This novel sneaks up on you - just like life . . . and heartbreak. And love.”- Miranda July The pants belong to Howard Young, a prominent history professor, recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Howard’s wife, Annie, summons their daughter, Ruth. Freshly disengaged from her fiancé and feeling that life has not turned out quite the way she planned, thirty-year-old Ruth quits her job and arrives home to find the situation more complicated than she realized. Her father is erratically lucid, her mother lucidly erratic. But as Howard’s condition intensifies, the comedy in Ruth’s situation takes hold, gently transforming the family’s grief into tenderness. Told in captivating glimpses and drawn from a deep well of insight, humor, and unexpected compassion, Goodbye, Vitamin pilots through the loss, love, and absurdity of finding one’s footing in this life.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Henry Holt and Company (Verleger)
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