Vorab-RezensentenChristopher Farnsworth

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

March 2011 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 28 um 06:00 pm EDT

Reihen: Nathaniel Cade (2)
For 140 years, Nathaniel Cade has been the President’s Vampire, sworn to protect and serve his country. Cade’s existence is the most closely guarded of White House secrets; a superhuman covert agent who is the last line of defense against nightmare scenarios that ordinary citizens can only dream of. When a new outbreak of an ancient evil—one which Cade has seen before—comes to light, Cade and his human handler, Zach Barrows, must track down its source. To “protect and serve” often means settling old scores and confronting new betrayals . . . as only a centuries-old predator can.
Fantasy, Horror, Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Putnam Books (Verleger)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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April 2010 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: April 23 um 06:00 pm EDT

Reihen: Nathaniel Cade (1)
THE ULTIMATE SECRET. THE ULTIMATE AGENT. THE PRESIDENT’S VAMPIRE. Forget Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer! In this irresistible thriller, Nathaniel Cade is a 160-year-old vampire sworn to protect and serve the President of the United States. In 1867, two men went missing on a whaling vessel out of Boston Harbor. According to published reports, the ship’s captain found another sailor standing over their corpses, drinking their blood. Tried for murder, the sailor was pardoned by President Andrew Johnson, and died in an asylum for the criminally insane. At least, that’s the cover story. In fact, 19 year old sailor Nathaniel Cade was transformed into a vampire. His life was only spared to defend the United States against other “unnatural” threats. “There are other nations out there, nations that don't have names, or borders, but they exist all the same,” Johnson told him. “And make no mistake - we are at war with them.” Bound in a blood oath by voodoo priestess Marie Laveau, Cade has spent over 140 years in service to the President. He is the ultimate secret agent – battling nightmares before they can break into the daylight world of the American dream. Zach Barrows is an ambitious 26-year-old White House staffer when his career takes an unexpected turn: he’s assigned to be Cade’s new handler and presidential liaison. Before Zach can get over the shock, he and Cade are sent to investigate a cargo shipment filled with the severed limbs of U.S. soldiers. Zach learns that the world is far stranger – and far more dangerous – than he ever imagined. Their mission reveals the truth about the real Dr. Frankenstein, a shadowy conspiracy within the government, and a plot to attack the U.S. with a gruesome biological weapon: an army of undying, unstoppable killers.
Fantasy, General Fiction, Horror, Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Putnam Books (Verleger)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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