Vorab-RezensentenMichael S. Heiser

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

December 2012 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Januar 2 um 06:00 pm EST

Haunted by his parents’ death and his career failures, Dr. Brian Scott has begun to settle for the life he’s been given. Until he’s “recruited,” that is. Kidnapped by military insiders known as “The Group,” Brian joins a team of world-class scholars working on an above-top-secret initiative. Their mission? To prepare mankind for a new reality. “They” are here. Among Brian’s fellow recruits are the beautiful yet hostile Dr. Melissa Kelley and the enigmatic Father Andrew Benedict, whose prophetic nature clashes with Brian’s paranoia. As the team is briefed on the government’s involvement with extraterrestrials, strange things begin to happen. Disappearances. Visitations. Murder. Something isn’t right. The closer Brian and the team get to the truth, the more they realize that no one is safe, and no one can be trusted. Unpeeling layer after layer of deception and counter-deception, Brian moves toward a shocking revelation that will forever alter how mankind sees itself.
General Fiction, Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Kirkdale Press (Verleger)
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