VerlagsreiheOxford Theological Monographs

The English separatist tradition : from the Marian martyrs to the Pilgrim Fathers von B. R. White 13 Exemplare
Anti-Arminians: The Anglican Reformed Tradition from Charles II to George I von Stephen Hampton 21 Exemplare
The Appropriation of Divine Life in Cyril of Alexandria von Daniel A. Keating 22 Exemplare
Beauty and Revelation in the Thought of St Augustine von Carol Harrison 6 Exemplare
Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649 von R. T. Kendall 82 Exemplare
Christ as Mediator: A Study of the Theologies of Eusebius of Caesarea, Marcellus of Ancyra, and Athanasius of Alexandria von Jon M. Robertson 18 Exemplare
Christian Moral Realism: Natural Law, Narrative, Virtue and the Gospel von Rufus Black 5 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Eusebians: The Polemic of Athanasius of Alexandria and the Construction of the `Arian Controversy' von David M. Gwynn 20 Exemplare
The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius von Peter Widdicombe 26 Exemplare
Fundamentalism and Evangelicals von Harriet A. Harris 28 Exemplare
Karl Rahner and Ignatian Spirituality von Philip Endean 10 Exemplare
The Macarian Legacy: The Place of Macarius-Symeon in the Eastern Christian Tradition von Marcus Plested 13 Exemplare
Origen on the Song of Songs As the Spirit of Scripture: The Bridegroom's Perfect Marriage-Song von J. Christopher King 13 Exemplare
Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences: Brain-State Phenomena or Glimpses of Immortality? von Michael N. Marsh 10 Exemplare
Paul Tillich and the Possibility of Revelation through Film von Jonathan Brant 5 Exemplare
Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer von Frank A. James 16 Exemplare
Psalmody and Prayer in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus von Luke Dysinger 13 Exemplare
Righteous Jehu and his Evil Heirs: The Deuteronomist's Negative Perspective on Dynastic Succession von David T. Lamb 11 Exemplare
Robert Spaemann's Philosophy of the Human Person: Nature, Freedom, and the Critique of Modernity von Holger Zaborowski 9 Exemplare
The salvation of atheists and Catholic dogmatic theology von Stephen Bullivant 6 Exemplare
Sexual and Marital Metaphors in Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel von Sharon Moughtin-Mumby 13 Exemplare
The Song of Songs and the Eros of God: A Study in Biblical Intertextuality von Edmée Kingsmill 13 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Soteriology of Leo the Great von Bernard Green 12 Exemplare
The specification of human actions in St. Thomas Aquinas von Joseph Pilsner 8 Exemplare
The Theological Epistemology of Augustine's De Trinitate von Luigi Gioia 20 Exemplare
Theory and Theology in George Herbert's Poetry: ‘Divinitie, and Poesie, Met' von Elizabeth Clarke 7 Exemplare
Time and Eternity in Mid-Thirteenth-Century Thought von Rory Fox 7 Exemplare
The Troubles of Templeless Judah von Jill Middlemas 15 Exemplare
Universal Salvation: Eschatology in the Thought of Gregory of Nyssa and Karl Rahner von Morwenna Ludlow 23 Exemplare
The Worldview of Personalism: Origins and Early Development von Jan Olof Bengtsson 10 Exemplare

