
Bürgerlicher Name
Kimberley Linstruth-Beckom
Über meine Bibliothek
I have been know to be eclectic in my reading, but lately I've been focusing on what I love the most because I haven't found a good TV replacement show for Charmed, hence, I've been on a paranormal kick.
Über mich
Amanda Kimberley has been writing for three decades and is a no non-sense non-fiction writer named Kimberley Linstruth-Beckom by day that focuses mostly on the health condition known as fibromyalgia, due to her own diagnosis in late 2005.

By night, she dons her bathrobe and enjoys typing out paranormal romances at her white marble desk. She likes to nibble on chocolate, nuts, and potato chips while drawing out her characters with music from her iPhone in the background.
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