
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 26, 2011
Über meine Bibliothek
An odd assortment of literature, textbooks, pulp, and all around good stuff. Most of it I've read. A few titles I'm still working my way through. Just too darn busy/lazy to make a distinction by breaking it down into lists...
Über mich
Grew up in one of those strange homes that never had cable TV. Spent many a Sunday afternoon time leafing through Encyclopedias as a child, just for kicks. Lets just say I've spent a lot of time with my books.

My love affair with the penned word has led me to embark on an MS in Library and Info Science. I'm hoping to specialize in rare books and/or Museum libraries, but we'll see where that journey ends in a few years.

New to Library Thing, and stuck with my nose in a textbook most of the time so my virtual collection will be completed in dribs and drabs as the semester allows.
New York