
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Oct 13, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
My library...what to say?
Some of the books I've had since childhood, others I bought or received in more recent years. Sad to say I haven't read all the ones I own just yet. But I figure: "It will be easier to get them all before they are out of print, and I can spend the rest of my life reading them." :P
I am still in the stages of getting all I own on this list. (most of my books are in a few boxes in the basement) There are a few on this list that I don't own. They are marked "wish I owned", that way, if anyone has the inclination to send me some, they know what I'd like.
I admit, I like a wide variety of subjects and books. You and I might not like all the same ones, but that's okay. And I've probably said too much. *sigh*
Über mich
What can I say? I'm a 27 year old who loves to act, sing, read, and hang with the people I love. I'm also an aspiring author. Maybe someday people will be putting MY books on their librarything pages? ;)
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