
fiktio (1,278), suomi (887), englanti (507), dekkari (187), fantasia (146), tieto (119), romantiikka (101), 1001 books (96), luettu 2007 (92), 1800-luku (86), luettu 2010 (84), luettu 2008 (72), luettu 2011 (70), audio (62), luettu 2009 (55), luettu 2006 (54), saksa (51), Jane Austen (49), huumori (45), scifi (43), luettu 2012 (42), kirjallisuus (38), jännitys (35), regency (34), sota (34), novellit (32), lastenkirjat (32), Venäjä (28), luettu 2003 (27), luettu 2004 (23), (1001 books) (23), luettu 2013 (22), kääntäminen (21), historia (17), kauhu (12), luettu 2016 (11), runot (11), sanakirja (11), luettu 2014 (10), luettu 2015 (10), esseet (10), satu (9), politiikka (9), luettu 2005 (9), näytelmä (9), kansanperinne (8), mytologia (7), käsityöt (7), luettu 2017 (7), dystopia (6), avaruusooppera (6), kasvatus (6), elämäkerta (6), vampyyrit (5), sadut (5), antiikki (5), Elizabeth Gaskell (5), 1700-luku (5), kirjoittaminen (5), Ranska (4), draama (4), Kanada (3), ratsastus (3), kielioppi (3), matkakertomus (3), chick lit (3), vaihtoehtohistoria (3), Viro (3), liikunta (3), Englanti (3), Japani (2), jännäri (2), maaginen realismi (2), skannattava (2), holokausti (2), lyhytproosa (2), psykologia (2), Australia (2), Kreikka (2), trilleri (2), dekkarit (2), steampunk (2), pakina (1), englanti (1001 books) (1), lännenromaani (1), lyhennelmä (1), kesken (1), elokuvat (1), 1400-luku (1), fysiikka (1), western (1), Italia (1), avaruus (1), Skotlanti (1), 1200-luku (1), seikkailu (1), uskonto (1), Ruotsi (1), kielitiede (1), nuortenkirja (1), Afrikka (1), taide (1), Neuvostoliitto (1), urheilu (1), 1500-luku (1), Discworld (1), nuortenkirjat (1), Irlanti (1), jäänyt kesken (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 30, 2009
Über meine Bibliothek
I have now listed all the books from my own shelves that I have read. (Or at least I think I have. Well, most of them anyway. More or less.) That's the Your Library collection; other major collections consist of the books that I own but have not read (shame on me!) and those that I have read but do not own. The latter collection is the most frustrating one, since I can never hope to remember all the books I have read, or even those that I have read in my adult life. My reading journals only cover the years from 2003 on with at least one lengthy gap.

My library consists of books in English and Finnish - with some German on the side -, modern and classic, light and weighty. As a reader, I tend to favour books with believable, round characters, but don't hesitate to occasionally trade them for an entertaining plot.

The Jane Austen collection contains the JA related books that I own, regardless of whether I have read them or not.

My tags are in Finnish. This is because I use them for my own purposes, and like to promote the use of my own language when convenient. (Not that Finnish needs particular promotion, it's very much alive and well.) Most of my tag words are loan words anyway so you should be able to understand them whatever your native language is.
Über mich
Translator, mother, literature enthusiast.
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