Über meine Bibliothek
Movies helped reintroduce me to books (being a huge fan of Smoke, Blue in the Face in particular) though the first book I really remember reading since my hiatus was American Gods.

Reading right now:

Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, Julia Serano

Master and Man, Leo Tolstoy

Choosing Death, Albert Mudrian
Über mich
I didn't read books for a good number of years and now can't seem to stop. I am a poky reader. I have a good many college credits that add up to exactly bupkis (literature as I recall was not among them). Read into that what you will.

When I'm not shaking my cane or throwing rocks at the neighborhood kids I'm busy polishing my monocle.
Beliebte Autoren
Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Book Zoo, Comic Relief of Berkeley, Dark Carnival, Dr . Comics & Mr. Games, Half Price Books - Berkeley, Half Price Books - Concord, Moe's Books, Pegasus Downtown, Pendragon Books, Rocket Reuse, Shakespeare & Co. Books, The Other Change of Hobbit


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