
Bürgerlicher Name
Andria Large
Über mich
I'm 29, and a stay at home mother, with two little girls. I LOVE to read, mostly Romance. Reading and writing are my ways of getting away from being a mom and wife -- just for a little while. I have been writing for years, but more as a hobby. I would just get an idea for a story line and have to write it down. I never successfully finished a story until I wrote, "Henry." In fact, no one had ever seen any of my writing. I had no idea if it was any good, and I was scared to death to show it to anyone. What if they told me that it sucked?
I built up the courage when I found out that my friend, Jessica Carroll, was starting a blog. She wanted new writers to send her their books, so she could review and post them on her blog. Well, curiosity got the better of me, and I had to know what someone else thought of my writing. So that's how I got started on this awesome adventure.
I'm a huge fan of J.R. Ward and Abigail Roux. For those who don't know Abigail Roux, she writes M/M romances, and is the author of the "Cut & Run" series. If you don't mind reading about two guys together, then you MUST read this series. It's incredible. Her writing pulls you in, and you can't help but get immersed in the character's world. I love the way these two authors write, and they have definitely influenced how I write. I want to say that they 'keep it real,' I guess. Their characters speak in such a way that I can see myself talking or saying the same things. I think that's what I love most about them. Also, J.R. and Abi are both easy to relate to as a person - going off of interviews and the way they interact with fans - and they make their characters the same way.
Writing makes me happy. It gives me an outlet for my constantly active imagination. I'm excited to be able to share it with other people who might enjoy it as much as I do. And if I can make a little extra money on the side, then what the hell? Right?
New Jersey
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