
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 8, 2013
Bürgerlicher Name
Ava Catori
Über meine Bibliothek
I used to have shelves and shelves of books - and have slowly moved to the digital age. Now I have pages and pages of titles on my e-reader and have donated many of my books to the local library. I never thought it would happen, but traveling - it has lightened my load! I do miss opening a book in my hands for the first time, or the way a cover used to grab me at the local bookstore - but I'm adjusting.

My tastes have changed over the years - and while I used to read more thrillers, I tend to enjoy humor in my reading now. I also read a lot of non-fiction, and have varied tastes.
Über mich
I'm a writer and avid reader. I spend my days tied to my keyboard, being happiest there. With a passion for storytelling, I get lost in the details of building characters and analyzing their thoughts. With a conversational tone, I entertain with fast, fun reads. There’s nothing I like more than putting a couple together, only to tear them apart so they can find their way back to one another.

I live in New Jersey, but sneak away to Florida as often as I'm able. I'm happily married to a patient man who has the ability to sustain long hours of rambling thoughts spilling from me non-stop. With the company of three dogs and a cat, I set my writing schedule around their inability to coordinate their potty breaks. :)