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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 24, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
Since I was on Shelfari first and have listed over 800 books there. I do not intend to put all 800 books here. Instead I will add my books on my Kindle which total around 190. I joined here at Library Thing because of the Kindle group. If you want to view all my books here's the address to my Shelfari.

Über mich
I'm a widow since December 2000. My six year old grandson and his family live with me in an addition I added on in 2003. I read to my grandson every night and hope he will grow to love reading books the way I do.

I didn't miss the television writer's strike as it gave me more time to read. I'm not a fast reader but I will alternate reading two books at the same time. One being fiction and the other nonfiction.
Springfield, MA
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