
fic; frontier life (37), cl 808.3 (28), fic; tribulation (22), fic; (22), fic; christian romance (13), fic; Scotland 1800s (12), fic; Biblical fiction (6), fic; later 1800s (5), fic; Jewish/Christian WWII (5), fic; jewish/christian (4), fic; western life/frontier (4), fic; plains territory life (4), fic; civil war (3), fic; Amish community (3), fic; the Great Depression (3), fic; hungary during wwii (3), fic; Christian allegory (3), fic; Jewish/Muslim conflict 1948 (3), fic; pioneer adventure (3), fic; england middle ages (3), fic; setting older england (2), fic; Bible fictional story of Ruth (2), fic; biblical novel (2), love story (2), fic; early 1900s (2), fic; early 1900s romance (2), fic; WWII (2), fic; christian (2), fic; Biblical novel (2), fic; the Kensington Chronicles (Victorian England) (1), fic; slave captives in africa (1), fic; great depression (1), fic; French revolution novel (1), fic; Southern Plantation life; Civil War (1), fic; historcal based on john wycliffe (1), fic; English society (1), fic; conspiracy of world dominance (1), fic; Victorian England; orphan boy (1), brothers on opposing sides (1), fic; friendship lost and restored (1), fic; young teacher in the Smoky Mountains (1), fic; interrelated cultures and faiths in the Holy Land (1), fic; young girl facing difficult decisions in 1930s (1), fir; young teacher in the Smoky Mts. (1), fic; young teacher in the Smoky Mts. (1), fic; pioneer adventure/love (1), fic; London 1800s (1), fic; Civil War (1), fic; biblical fiction (1), fic;virgina late 1800s (1), fic; prairie life (1), fic; ww2 (1), fic; western (1), fic; women of the Bible (1), fic; Victorian England (1), fic; historcal fiction (1), fic; Mitford novel series (1), fic; Africa (1), fic; missionary adventure (1), fic; classic (1), short novels (1), fic; modern Christian walk (1), fic; marine pilot (1), christian courage (1), fic; post WWI (1), fic; London mid 1600s; orphaned boy (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 27, 2006