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Über meine Bibliothek
large, and primarily Everyman, Folio and Loeb Classical library publications. My library is much larger than catalogued on LT. I am slowly replacing my old worn out trade editions with fine editions as they become available.
Über mich
Primarily interested in Classical history (primary sources) and 19th Century literature. Thucydides favourite historian, followed by Livy, Polybius and Gibbon. Dickens and Tolstoy favourite 19th Century authors.

One of my favorite quotes: I quickly outgrew ideas. So I distrusted experts, who were often intelligences confined within high walls, knowing indeed every paving-stone of their prison courts: while I might know from what quarry the stones were hewn and what wages the mason earned. I gainsaid them out of carelessness, for I had found materials always apt to serve a purpose, and Will a sure guide to some one of the many roads leading from purpose to achievement. There was no flesh.

- Lawrence
BC, Canada
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