
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 18, 2021
Über meine Bibliothek
I have a library room in my house, The Templum Library to be precise. It is not yet perfect and may never be, but it’s state of constant change makes me almost as happy as its existence. Why? Because I am always acquiring new books and new library art. While I do have a Kindle Fire with many books on it, actual physical books are my first love.
My library is arranged by genre and shelved alphabetically by author.
Über mich
My name is Lisa, and I am a bibliophile.

My first book (that was mine and not part of the sibling collective books) was made of cardboard and I still have it. It was given to me for my 4th birthday, and my big sister, Lou Ann, taught me how to read it, all of it, within a week. Reading is my passion, my escape, my drug of choice.

I have the fortune of being both a reviewer and editor of horror books.
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