Über meine Bibliothek
My library is extensive but I could not possibly post them all on LibraryThing. What you see is some mail order books and such of more recent times to include books for my wife.
Über mich
Some titles are liked by my wife (in other words, some titles are hers and not necessarily read by me). Micheal Jecks is my favorite historical fiction mystery / murder author. His historical research is from primary sources and extensive. He also crafts great tales within his selected historical matrix.

I don't like reviewers who think that a synopsis is a review especially if they include 'spoilers' that ruin things for potential readers. I also don't like those who think that a 'customer service complaint,' e.g. didn't like how a book was delivered, is a review.

I particularly don't like reviews where there is a rampant use of vulgarity. If you can't state your review in a rational manner, don't bother. It seems that some sites don't allow for complaints against such reviews or other truly 'non-reviews.'

I also have a large collection of books in various genre both non-fiction and fiction, e.g. professional books. What you see in my collection now are from 'mail order.' I would have to enter other books by hand and the number is too many, too time consuming and I am too old, etc. to do that.