
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 20, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Barony of Bryn Madoc
Über meine Bibliothek
This library is a general resource library for Baronial use.

For users, please follow these simple guidelines:

1. Lists books that you feel others in the barony would find useful for medieval research or how-to research.

2. Tag well, consistantly (see if tags already listed for other books apply to your book as well), and abundantly.

3. Tag each of your books with your name (mundane or SCA, it doesn't matter, just be consistant.)

4. Tag each book with whether it is "available to lend" or "available only within owner's arm's reach"...or something to that effect. At least keep the "available to lend" as the standard tag.

5. Tag a loaned book as "on loan". Please keep track of to whom you loaned your book and when you expect it back yourself.

6. By all means, enter a duplicate book if you see another listed online. That just means there's more than one copy available to borrow.

7. Compleat Anachronists and other such ephemera will need to be entered manually. If you need help or just don't want to do it, please let Merlyn ( know and she will be happy to browse...erm, enter the book for you.

8. Please keep in mind that anyone can edit any of the entered titles, tags, etc.
Über mich
This is the resource library for the Barony of Bryn Madoc in the Kingdom of Meridies.
We are part of the SCA (
We are physically located in the area around Athens, GA, USA.
Athens, GA