
Sep 27, 2017
Bürgerlicher Name
Christopher Welch
Über meine Bibliothek
Drac's Mistake is the first book that I have wrote. I am currently working on a second book in the same universe as Drac's Mistake. This book will be in the future and have different main characters though.
Über mich
I'm a book enthusiast who turned his love for books into a passion for writing. Writing Drac's Mistake was a journey that brought me to many dead ends and was a constant uphill battle, between trying to find the time to write, perfecting the way I wrote it, having an original story with original characters, and having a normal life.
By writing Drac's Mistake I have grown exponentially as a writer. I encourage everyone who is considering writing a book to do it. No, you may not sell even 1 copy, but the experience will help you in your day to day life. On top of that it's a lot of fun!

A little more about me, and not just my experience, is I'm a college student working as an accounting assistant. Currently I'm raising my little brother and hoping that he'll grow up to love books as much as me. I'm working my next book and I have to say it's just as exciting or more(more!) exciting than my first. I can't work to finish cleaning it up so that I can share it with everyone.

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