Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
They are books. I read them. They tell stories of people who have adeventures and stuff. People sometimes forget this and over think things. Key word to keep in mind is: FICTION. Like, historical FICTION. It is still fiction, so the author is allowed to take liberties because it's, lets all say it now, FICTION!
Über mich
I am not a member of mensa. I have something called common sense. It sort of gets me through life, unlike being a socially retarded smart person. Not that I do not like smart people, I just find that they lack in the social skills department and the only thing that they know how to do is make people feel small with their useless book smarts. Too bad that they can not apply it to their own lives.

I am a writer. A real one but not a published one. I have a job to pay my bills and keep a roof over my head. But like I said that is my "job" not my occupation.

To those that mock? You do not matter. To those that understand, well, you know...

Here's the thing, sarcasm is just one of the ways I use my extremely dry and cutting wit to show my affection towards those that I love so much. Not really but then again, it doesn't really matter. I can make you all go away, any time I want to.

An Old Shoe Factory
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