Bürgerlicher Name
Svjetlana Jakinovovic
Über mich
Seven Mini-Bios

Most recent, for Best Lesbian Romance 2010:

Erin O'Riordan enjoys reading and writing in the many genres of romantic and erotic literature. "Soaked" is based upon her experiences at an all-women's Catholic college, a theme she first explored in an essay titled "Chocolate Jesus and the Oral Thing." The literary character she most closely resembles is an untamed Shakespearean shrew.* Her lesbian short stories have been published in webzines including Oysters & Chocolate and Tassels & Tales. Her erotic romance novel, Beltane, was published in October 2008 by Eternal Press. Visit her online at www.aeess.com.

For my upcoming short story in the lit mag Wild Violet:

Erin O'Riordan's love stories are not always bittersweet, and not always inspired by a flip through In Style. They've appeared online in webzines including Clean Sheets, Oysters & Chocolate, and Ravenous Romance, and in print in magazines including Playgirl. Her first novel, Beltane, is available from Eternal Press. She enjoys meeting readers on Facebook. She doesn't actually know how to play chess, though, so don't ask.

From Ravenous Romance, which publishes my Chanukah story:

Erin O'Riordan, despite what her Irish name may lead you to believe, is of mixed Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Pagan descent. Following the philosophy of Joan Borysenko, she proudly embraces all of her diverse spiritual heritage. Her spiritual-sexual writings include the Pagan-ritual-inspired erotic novel Beltane, from Eternal Press. Visit her online at www.aeess.com.

From my novel, Beltane, from EternalPress.ca:

Erin O'Riordan lives in the midwestern United States with her husband. She has been writing compulsively since she could hold a pencil, and professionally since 2006. Her erotic stories, essays, and film reviews have been published in numerous magazines and websites. Though she has written about everything from professional basketball to her favorite literary sex scenes, the intersection of spirituality and sexuality remains one of her favorite themes. Readers can view more of her work at www.aeess.com. Beltane, her first novel, will be the first in the twelve-part "Pagan Spirits" series.

From www.cleansheets.com, when they published "Homecoming:"

Erin O'Riordan is easily distracted by shiny objects, lurid daydreams, and light playing off water. If she concentrates very hard, she produces erotica which, she prays, has a soul. Erin has written for webzines including Clean Sheets, For the Girls, Oysters and Chocolate, The Erotic Woman and Tassels and Tales.

From another lesbian romance anthology, one that already rejected me:

Erin O'Riordan was raised by an illiterate French hitman after corrupt DEA agents murdered her family. Either that, or she watches too many Luc Besson films. She studied psychology and women's studies at a prominent Catholic women's college. Her fiction has appeared in webzines including The Erotic Woman, Oysters & Chocolate, and Tassels & Tales. Visit her at www.aeess.com.

From the horror webzine Midnight Times:

Staying up late on Fridays nights, eating junk food and watching films such as Satan's Cheerleaders influenced Erin O'Riordan. She reads obsessively and writes compulsively. Her short stories and articles have appeared in periodicals as diverse as The Saturday Evening Post, the literary magazines Wild Violet and Down in the Dirt, and the webzine Clean Sheets. Her favorite lycanthrope is Werewolf Flanders. Howl at ya girl at www.aeess.com, preferably at midnight while the moon is full.

*This is really all you need to know about me.

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