
Trains (926), Railroad Magazine (170), VHS Trains (162), History (119), 8-Track Tape (23), VHS (22), Cookbook (13), Maps (4), Cattle Trail (3), trains (1), Comic (1), Birdwatching (1), Fold out Maps (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 15, 2018
Über meine Bibliothek
A lot of my Train books, videos, and magazines came from the Carl Weber Library (Uncle Ted). My Aunt Laura and Uncle Ted had a very large influence on my life. He would take me out for many hours watching and chasing trains. One of his wishes was to share his library, so if you are doing research and see I have a book you need info from, feel free to ask.
Über mich
I chose the name “Freshett” because upon reading through many of the depositions and testimonies involved in the Supreme Court case, “U.S. vs Texas” (which was decided in 1896 in favor of returning 1.5 million acres of then Greer County, Texas to Greer County, Oklahoma Territory) when the North Fork, the Elm Fork, or the Prairie Dog Fork of the Red River was in flood conditions from torrential rains, they were referred to as a “Freshett”. I felt it is like when I pick some information up, and find that the information washes away some of my old opinions and sometimes floods me with new insights.
I currently work at a Museum here in Oklahoma and enjoying learning new things about this local history and how it fits with our wonderful national history.