
gardening (398), botany (188), plants (119), nature (108), iris (74), history (69), fiction (67), trees (66), adventure (60), landscaping (58), natural history (56), garden essays (52), horticulture (52), reference (50), plant collections (47), travel (43), bulbs (37), garden reference (31), rivers (30), Nebraska (30), exploration (29), nonfiction (29), biography (28), hardscaping (28), HortReference (27), vines (27), birds (26), field guides (25), clematis (24), historical fiction (23), shrubs (23), geography (22), fantasy (21), West Virginia (21), AIS (19), science fiction (17), American History (14), north america (14), daylilies (14), woody plants (14), great plains (14), humor (13), medicine (13), poetry (13), mystery (13), how-to (12), irises (12), money (12), perennials (12), photography (12), africa (12), science (11), heirloom plants (11), south america (11), hiking (9), peony (9), medical mystery (9), pot gardening (9), garden structures (9), native americans (8), wildflowers (8), classic (8), tolkien (8), garden history (8), houseplants (8), England (8), orchids (8), prehistory (7), post-apocalyptic (7), business (7), asia (7), succulents (7), pern (7), pelbar (7), autobiography (7), ecology (7), plant exploration (7), edible plants (6), gardens (6), containers (6), new zealand (6), vegetable gardening (6), politics (6), evolution (6), european history (6), essays (6), rock gardens (6), florida (5), prairie (5), biology (5), nonprofit (5), insects (5), Europe (5), remodeling (5), HR read (5), garden design (5), Harry Potter (5), canada (4), greenhouses (4), forests (4), American history (4), shade (4), herbs (4), pruning (4), western U. S. (4), botanic gardens (4), anthropology (4), American West (4), financial planning (4), cooking (4), guidebooks (4), homes (4), grasses (3), religion (3), mongolia (3), pioneers (3), women (3), plant collecting (3), Business (3), fungi (3), war (3), western (3), Amazon (3), British History (3), Iris (3), taxes (3), american west (3), midwest (3), presidents (3), american literature (3), Italy (3), art (3), hawaii (3), psychology (3), Lincoln (3), poisonous plants (3), tulips (3), dictionary (3), americana (3), appalachians (3), british fiction (3), short stories (3), elephants (3), Africa (3), england (3), Alaska (3), annuals (2), container gardening (2), monarchy (2), civil war (2), eastern U.S. (2), entomology (2), pacific northwest (2), indoor gardening (2), garden photos (2), historic gardens (2), American Indian (2), water gardening (2), fruit (2), potted plants (2), holocaust (2), floras (2), garden poetry (2), quotations (2), mountains (2), railroads (2), crafts (2), oklahoma (2), conifers (2), Crime fiction (2), British Iris Society (2), medicinal plants (2), antiques (2), trains (2), hotels (2), national parks (2), appalachia (2), texas (2), strategic planning (2), kitchen (2), diseases (2), architecture (2), United States (2), food (2), philosophy (2), tools (2), North Carolina (2), music (2), maps (2), butterflies (2), world war II (2), drugs (2), missionary (2), cities (2), christmas (2), roses (2), thriller (2), literature (2), naturalists (2), decks (2), parks (2), rocky mountains (2), forestry (2), ethnobotany (2), pots (2), trails (2), digital photography (2), woodworking (2), american history (2), Louisiana Iris (1), historic iris (1), international thriller (1), climbing plants (1), addiction (1), Life (1), writing (1), human (1), New York (1), horfticulture (1), Florence (1), Kipling (1), sedums (1), southeast (1), siberian iris (1), japanese irises (1), east coast (1), tufa (1), hellebores (1), hybridizing (1), earth (1), Tibet (1), Clematis (1), Trees (1), Depression (1), suspense (1), Future (1), ladscaping (1), crime (1), Irises (1), Royalty (1), Humor (1), Crime (1), Psychology (1), History (1), Poetry (1), The Iris (1), faith (1), Paris (1), racism (1), trivia (1), Pulitzer Prize (1), Picture Framing (1), poisons (1), Glacier National Park (1), Presidents (1), herbaria (1), grammar (1), Old West (1), meetings (1), west virginia (1), birdhouses (1), xeriscaping (1), vikings (1), interior design (1), Logging (1), garden journal (1), desserts (1), organic gardening (1), harry potter (1), pests (1), Great Britan (1), bonsai (1), physics (1), tomorrow (1), gothic novel (1), country life (1), television (1), america (1), australia (1), Canada (1), death (1), atlas (1), nazi (1), field guide (1), how to (1), dendrology (1), Great Britain (1), spices (1), sweden (1), medical fiction (1), holland (1), drinks (1), poison (1), flowers (1), volcanoes (1), Natural history (1), geology (1), vegetarian (1), garden (1), technology (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 9, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
My library has a great deal of cataloguing yet to be done. It is a collection that focuses on a few topics such as gardening, botany, exploration, historical novels, etc., though there are books on a wide variety of other subjects as well.
Über mich
When you browse through my book shelves, you will quickly notice I have a very large interest in gardening and botany. The photo is part of my garden and the iris is 'Prince George'. A row of peonies is in the background. Irises, peonies, clematis, daylilies, cannas, and bulbs are particular interests, but I also grow a wide range of other perennials, shrubs and trees. I am deeply involved in various iris groups and am a member of several other gardening groups as well.
Lincoln, Nebraska
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Buchhandlungen: Bluestem Books


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