
mystery (182), funny (50), history (43), radio (42), comics (39), memoir (35), magic (34), writing (26), high adventure (25), grift (25), reference (18), urban fantasy (17), spy (16), fantasy (16), art (14), music (12), sf (11), tv (10), kindle (10), dance (7), young adult (7), poker (7), fiction (5), Kindle (5), biography (3), aikido (2), anthology (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 24, 2008
Über meine Bibliothek
I found that many of the people with similar libraries to mine do so by having the same large set of series books (usually Nero Wolfe) that I do.

Consequently in order to try to get better results I have limited most of my series books to five volumes of the series. My library may only display five Nero Wolfes and just five Travis McGees but in fact I have nearly complete sets of each of those series.

About my ratings: They're very subjective and dependent on my mood when I add the book. That said, I'm mostly only listing books that I like. Consequently two stars doesn't mean I'm rating a book less than average. One or two star books wouldn't be in here if they had nothing to recommend them. They're books in which I liked some aspect but not all of the book. Three stars means I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to a friend. Four stars (the most common rating here) means I really liked the book. To get five stars I have to really love it.
Seattle, WA

