
Bürgerlicher Name
Hannah Rose Whatshername
Über meine Bibliothek
My library is vast. I think I can fairly state that I don't descriminate with genres, I have everything from Science Fiction (my personal favorite) to Fantasy, to Mythology, to non-fiction books and memoirs. I'm constantly on the search for a book to fall into, if only for a little while. There's no feeling more wonderful, I think, then reading a book and "waking up" two hours later and not even realizing any time had passed because you were quite litereally in another world.
Über mich
I've been an avid reader since the approximate age of six. I have had a lot of health problems in my life, and reading has always been a way for me to escape reality and pain, if only for a little while, and go dance in the Fae's Realm, to slay dragons (although I've always been of the opinion: don't slay, teach. Afterall, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. I think same goes for dragons, maybe?) and I found so many friends within pages.

When I was a little older, late elementary school, I read a book one time (For the life of me I cannot remember which one it was, I would love it know.) And I remember thinking "I could have written that SO MUCH BETTER." That was when writing started for me, I realized that I could create MY own characters and give them adventures of MY choosing. I have a very large library which consists of about four bookshelves packed to the brim. Yes, I have a wee bit of a problem, maybe, but they JUST KEEP MAKING MORE!

By the way, my name is Hannah, I'm (currently, but I'm sure I'll forget to update) 22 and have one short non-fiction story publication under my belt. I have yet to quite get there with anything novel length, but I'm not giving up hope. That perfect story is in there somewhere, I just haven't found it yet.
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