
paranormal (4), romance (4), series (3), death (2), love (1), dark (1), thriller (1), occult (1), scary (1), music (1)
Jun 7, 2011
Bürgerlicher Name
Holly Hood
Über meine Bibliothek
I'm new at this, so bare with me.
Über mich
Holly Hood is a 27 year old Indie author, from Sylvania, Ohio, a mother, wife and reality TV aficionado. She enjoys good music, spending time with her family and of course writing. Inspired by authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Jim Carroll and Nicholas Sparks, she strives to write stories that move the reader. Holly's stories are about emotions, she likes to put the reader into the characters shoes, she wants to leave you feeling the same emotions they are, and that is the way she likes it. 'Goosebumps and tears' are her motto when she writes anything. So enjoy!
In 2009 Holly finally got the urge to write again, she was determined to come up with a unique story. One that had forbidden love, a story that talked about death, family life, sadness. She wanted to write a book that let the reader inside the mind of someone who had a raw thinking about life. And so she created "Wingless" a book that was just that, a character that hardly had a handle on life, yet had to deal with so much bad in it. Because to Holly she wanted to show that life wasn't always rainbows and butterflies, she wanted to show the bad. But she also wanted to show that even with bad there still could be good. And her character Eve is just that, a tough girl who no matter what keeps pushing forward.
After finishing her first book, she wondered if she would even let anyone read it. To her it was more a means of venting and she doubted anyone would understand. A close family member not knowing how much Holly even liked writing asked to read it, and within the day she called her thrilled beyond words at how much she liked the book. With the support of family, friends and even strangers she decided to take Wingless seriously and continue writing it. Everyone was dying to know what happened next, from its creation in November of 2009 to the present there are now five books in the Wingless Series.And her passion for writing is bigger then ever.
Holly says writing is all she thinks about sometimes, watching tv or even cleaning or listening to music sends her brain into creative mode. She is always jotting down new story ideas, or thinking about the next step in the series.
Holly also wrote another book, a Family and Crime story about a young girl who was ripped from her home and taken on the run. It was an idea that she wasn't expecting, but it has now become a book very special to her. She admits that Heart of Gypsies was a book that made her cry, but to her if writing could evoke that kind of emotion then that meant something. And she hopes everyone takes a chance to enjoy this book as much as the Wingless series.
The readers are and always will be a very important part of writing to her, and she enjoys hearing from them. She hopes everyone enjoys her imagination, and that it brings some kind of joy in everyone's life. Because to her the whole reason she writes is for the joy it brings. And lastly she wanted to make sure to always say thank you for the support, it means the world to her.

Sylvania Ohio
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