
May 24, 2013
Über mich
J.E.B. Spredemann resides in central California and currently writes Christian fiction. Joanna's Struggle, in the Amish Girls Series, is the first of several books written by the author. The Amish Girls Series was primarily penned for teen girls, but has been enjoyed by readers of all ages. Lovers of the ever-popular Amish fiction genre are sure to enjoy these books as well, even though they are geared toward a younger audience. The characters in the stories will soon become endeared to your heart, especially the mischievous Jonathan Fisher. We hope and pray that our books will touch your life and be a blessing to you, as they have been to us!
Amish by Accident, written for adults, was the first book to be released via Amazon Kindle and is the eighth book penned by the author. The Amish Girls Series (Book 1) was released in late December 2012. Each subsequent book in the series will follow 2-3 months apart thereafter. Currently, a hard copy for Amish by Accident is in the works due to the book's popularity. A release date will be posted when it becomes available. Amish by Accident is now available in audio book format as well. A book trailer for Amish by Accident may be viewed on YouTube.

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