Über meine Bibliothek
Cataloging my books on LibraryThing is a slow, if immensely enjoyable, work-in-progress. At the moment the cataloged books are little more than a limited and arbitrary sampling, based on what was nearest my laptop at any given time, together with (some) recent purchases. I hope that concentrated effort during some long weekends will enable me to accelerate toward a perpetual 99% completion rate within the next year-plus (2013-14).
Über mich
I'm a cultural historian, writer, and sometime dance critic who does American historical (and some other) research for a major federal cultural institution. I also have a deep interest in the natural world and its relationship to the human imagination; and in my faith tradition, Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Blackwell's Oxford, Bookhouse, Eighth Day Books, Grolier Poetry Bookshop, Heartwood Books, Manteo Booksellers, Politics and Prose, The Harvard Coop

Bibliotheken: Jefferson Library, Library of Congress, Library of Virginia, Virginia Historical Society


Interesante Bibliotheken