
tbr (31), philosophical science fiction at its best. Huxley made something magnificent. (1), still one of my favorite all-time in SF. (1), Bradbury and I get along way too well. (1), Ginsberg is a true American classic and a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the U.S. Plus just an awesome poet. (1), to such an extent that its translation is a total masterpiece. (1), he wouldn't want death to arrive with a cliché. This is his masterpiece. His magnum opus. His piece de resistance. If you haven't read it (1), Asimov is an indulgence always. (1), another interesting historical narrative. Definitely paints a picture of the time (1), loved. Wilde's wit wows. (1), and is a good example of abolitionist propaganda. (1), Haven't plodded through to the finish yet... probably will though. Rather affected in tone. (1), my mind felt blatantly appeased... wouldn't have wasted my time in hindsight. (1), first undervalued. Now trendy. Pretty good redardless. (1), probably will never get around to reading.... (1), worse than the da vinci code. Which wasn't too hot itself (1), first five books are definitely 5 star material. Second five probably 3.5 or 4. Anyways (1), I sadly read an abridged version. Someday will read whole thing (1), read (1), An example of political (1), I heart poe (1), One of the best books ever (1), do. (1), He's now dead. So it goes? No (1), perfectly crafted (1), to collect dust on bookshelf (1), Soooo good (1), pynchon is in my near future (1), good reference (1), seemed pretty formulaic (1), wonderful concept (1), passably executed (1), to maybe be read (1), the man's conceited (1), some stories are definite 5's (1), history textish (1), I think 4 of them have been made into films. ! (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 31, 2006
Fort Bragg, CA
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