
Über meine Bibliothek
I love to read, so I read a lot of books. My favorite books to read are Star Wars and Anime.
Über mich
*I like to draw.
*I love to read.
*Jesus is my life.
*I like to read comic books.
*Cyt is pure- awesomeness!
*I like to dance (but I'm not the best) :)
*I like making comic books.
*I love legos.
*I play the piano.
*I love Snoopy.
*Tinker Bell and Peter Pan are the best!
*My dog Toby is my big teddy bear.
*I like to pretend that I'm a super hero somethimes.
*Nancy Drew is super cool.
*Improv is fun!
*Dragons are fun.
*My door is covered with some of my art work.
*I like to watch and play baseball.
*West Side Story, Your a good man Charile Brown and Wicked are my favorite plays.
*I love Star Wars.
*Pokemon is amazing
*I wish I could be a Jedi
* I have a red ukelele named Will
*I've read over 100 Star Wars books
*Crayons make me happy
* Harry Potter is awesome
* When I'm 15 I really want to be a Page at the library
*My answer for almost anything is "Play with Legos more"
*Anime is freaking amazing