
Nonfiction (8), Children's Book (8), Fiction (7), post modernism (7), Children's Picture Book (6), Ages 4-8 years (6), Ages: 5 and up (4), humor (4), Children's Literature (4), Ages 8 and up (3), Ages: 8-12 years (3), Ages: 4-8 years (3), multicultral (2), Ages: 10 and up (2), Folktale (2), Ages 4-8 (2), picture book (2), Ages: 3-7 years (2), Native American (2), Ages 3-7 years (2), classics (2), Ages: Preschool-3 (2), growing up (2), graphic novel (2), history (2), fairy tale/post modernism (2), Ages: Preschool and up (1), 3-7 years (1), Ages 10 and up (1), Ages 7-10 years (1), Ages 4-7 years (1), Native American culture (1), Comic book (1), Ages 11-14 years (1), Trilogy (1), Spaceflight (1), Ages: 5-8 years (1), 7-10 years (1), Hispanic/Latino culture (1), Ages 13 and up (1), Mice (1), Age: 8-12 years (1), Age: 7-10 years (1), Ages: 2-6 years (1), Ages: 4-7 years (1), Sesame Street postmodernism-interactive (1), Ages: 9 and up (1), Traditional Cuban folktale (1), Ages: 12-18 years (1), Age 7-9 years (1), low income families (1), Age 14-17 (1), Ages 7 and up (1), Ages: 10-13 years (1), 6 and up (1), Alternative format (1), Ages 10-12 (1), Fantasy (1), Children's picture book (1), fantasy (1), multicultural (1), disabilities (1), poverty (1), social classes (1), civil rights (1), dystopia (1), maps (1), politics (1), e-book (1), teen girls (1), Realistic Fiction (1), animals (1), women (1), family (1), coming of age (1), Children's book (1), mystery (1), series (1), Young Adult (1), rules (1), differences (1), Friendship (1), social issues (1), History (1), fiction (1), Bilingual Picture Book (1), Biography (1), Historical Fiction (1), friendhship (1), girls (1), siblings (1), manners (1), small town culture (1), informational (1), abnormalities (1), free verse poetry (1), African American culture (1), wordless picture book (1), ALA Notable Children's Book (1), early readers (1), young adult (1), feelings (1), multiple narrative (1), Ages 8-12 years (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 13, 2016
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Elementary/Middle School Library
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