
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Oct 26, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
First of all, I don't actually own all of these books. Usually I borrow from the library for the sake of saving money and space! These are books I've read throughout my lifetime and enjoyed. Some I read and loved as a child. Others I read as I attempted to expand my reader's advisory knowledge, since I plan to become a librarian. My "Books To Read" list is much longer than the books I've cataloged. I never have enough time to read anymore, and it really bothers me, because I remember the days when I would come home from the library balancing fifteen books at a time. I'd put them in order from "potential least favorite" to "potential most favorite" because I knew I'd get through them all. (And because I was overly anal like that!) Now I'm lucky if I can find time to read ANY books of choice while school is in session.
Über mich
I've come here because it's a social networking site that is geared towards readers, in hopes that I'll find folks who are actually more like me than the average person.

I feel most like myself when I’m on road trips, which is at least once a month.

I love music, live bands, and fascinating life stories.

I think the book world is more genuine than the music world, overall.

I’m incredibly open-minded.

I have so many completed journals that they’ve taken over my entire walk-in closet.

I’m introverted and need downtime to work on creative projects.

I'm in graduate school studying to become a librarian, and right now my primary concentrations are children's lit and cataloging.

I think too much.

Book reviews excite me.

I love traveling and hope to see as much of the world as I can over time.

I value loyalty and honesty to an extreme.

It takes me forever to trust someone, and even then I might take it back.

I never forget betrayal, even if I'd like to.

I'm a very private person to the point of paranoia. Even making this profile creates a certain degree of unease. ;)

I crave new ideas.

I write better than I speak.

I believe in balancing living and reflecting equally.

I wish I was more naturally social, although I can fake it without looking painfully awkward. ;)

I love being around people who make me laugh or get incredibly excited about things.

I much prefer taking chances to remaining stagnant.

I think everyone should dare to live in a way that makes them truly happy, no matter how others may view them.
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