
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 19, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Kayleigh Jayne Elizabeth
Über meine Bibliothek
As you can probably see from the get go, I am a big fan of crimes and thrillers and anything in between those two genre’s. I’m naturally a bright and chipper person so I don’t know why this happens to me my favourite kind of genre, but that’s one of life’s little mysteries I guess. I’m really loving Dean Koontz at the moment, I find his novels always have a somewhat quirky edge to them, a humour that almost seems to make his novels black comedy, but not quite. Harlan Coben is also another favourite of mine, and I adore his Myron Bolitar series. Although personally I prefer Myron’s sidekick Wynn to the focal character himself.

Despite my immediate appreciation of dark books, I’m still up for reading pretty much anything and if you take a look around you’ll probably notice some not so stereotypical additions to my library. In particular The Final Confession Of Mabel Stark. Not a book I thought I’d like, but then that goes to show that you really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover or its blurb.
Über mich
I'm Kayleigh, although commonly known as just Kaylz. I'm twenty one, and I live in a very quaint little village on the outskirts of Carmarthen, which is in Wales for those of you who are interested. Wales is in the UK by the way. Near England. You may laugh because I'm telling you this, but the truth is that I've actually been asked where Wales is before. Sad but very true story.

My two utmost favourite hobbies are reading and writing of course. I do however prefer writing over reading. I find that writing gives me a further sense of achievement and freedom than reading does. It's awesome to finish reading a book and being able to recommend it to others, but I find writing has more benefits, especially if you run all of your work through some kind of program and use the synonyms feature. It’s an amazing way to broaden your vocabulary. Reading helps in that vicinity as well, but then writing something of your own always feels more personal. I find it’s a greater accomplishment.

So to fund my little obsession with buying books from every store that I walk into, I presently work in the family business. That might sound idyllic to you, but when the work entails nothing but handling plants and potting them up or cutting them back, it can get boring really quickly. The people are wonderful to work with of course, maybe I am being biased because they’re my family, but nevertheless they’re wonderful co-workers. We often spend most of our days in showers of giggles, trying hard not to give one another cramp from laughing too hard. So it’s fun, most of the time.

And other than work and reading, most of the time in between I’m either at home on the internet or out and about in one of the local towns with one of my two brothers. Living where I do, which is literally in the middle of nowhere, there are three houses on the hill where I live and not all that much for a couple of miles in most directions, I find that having brothers who can drive and take me shopping is very beneficial. I love spending money. Although presently I am actually saving it up for God knows what reason.

Well I guess that’s really all there is to say about me. But if you have anything you’d like to ask then just drop me a line. xx.
Carmarthenshire, Wales


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