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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 2, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
It may take me quite awhile to actually catalog them all. I'm only entering what I own. I don't need to list what I've read. I can tell by looking at the book. I may start a wish list, but probably not, that would take forever. Plus, I'm not listing the proper editions for a lot of them, I'll get back to that later. I figure it'll probably take awhile to figure out a tag system that works for me. The number system is: 1.1 = 1st edition.1st printing and so on.
Über mich
planning on getting some backyard chickens to add to my gardens!! checkout to see why i am SO excited about it. Did I mention that I like to read?
south austin, baby!
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