
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 26, 2012
Über meine Bibliothek
Every book in my library on this site is in my "Hall of Fame", the best books I've ever read. Considering I've read almost 1,500 books (according to Goodreads), these must be pretty darn good. If a book is the start of a series, I only added the first book (the rest of the series was most likely equally good!).
Über mich
I'm a teacher/librarian who loves to work with teens and read YA fiction. I also love my cats, all rescues, and my husband, not a rescue.

Book preferences: sci fi (especially dystopian), paranormal, humor, and clever non-fiction (it has to make me laugh to engage me).

Book hates: romance, angsty teen girls (lookin' at you, Swan), high fantasy (dwarfs belong with Snow White, no where else), and authors who space out their series too much (I forget the plots too easily!).