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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 24, 2015
Über mich
The Mount Holyoke College Zine Collections are created and/or collected by Mount Holyoke College students and alumnae. We believe that wide access to a zine collection benefits the Mount Holyoke community and the diverse interests of its inhabitants by promoting independent student thought and providing a greater array of learning resources.

Zines are important at Mount Holyoke as a resource for student creativity and as a community asset to the Pioneer Valley. Reading zines can empower students to produce and publish their own materials, thereby gaining self-confidence, artistic and authorship skills, and also connecting them to a wider community with similar interests. Mount Holyoke is engaged in allying with a strong network of zine collections in the surrounding area, such as the zine reading shelf at Hampshire College and the archival collection at Smith College.

There currently exists the Zine Collective and Margaret Rooks Zine Collections in the Mount Holyoke Archives and Special Collections. These zines are available to the public at any point during the open hours of the archives. There is also a small shelf of zines in the main reading room of the Williston Library, also open to the public.
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA