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(1), protecting the past (1), the inspection paradox (1), the birthday problem (1), the universe in a nutshell (1), how to succeed in love (find the best apartment or adopt the best puppy) (1), a brief history of relativity (1), how to make decisions under uncertainty (1), game strategies (1), brane new world (1), poison and war (1), envenomed fangs and stings (1), measures of central tendency (1), confidence intervals and hypothesis testing (1), post hoc comparisons (1), two-way analysis of variance (1), alternatives to t and F (1), poison's children (1), a slew of poisoners (1), poison and food (1), measures of dispersion and standard scores (1), the science of poison (1), significance of the difference between two sample means (1), graphing data (1), the normal curve (1), cosmetic and domestic poisons (1), the frequency distribution (1), poisoned workplaces? (1), definitions and scaling (1), the language of statistics (1), poisonous politics (1), poison in the medicine chest (1), skepticism (1), understanding the presidential election (and other) polls (1), health services research: finding what works (1), public health number two and growing: poor diet and physical inactivity (1), injuries are not accidents (1), maternal and child health as a social problem (1), clean environment: the basis of public health (1), clean air: is it safe to breathe? (1), clean water: a limited resource (1), solid and hazardous wastes: what to do with the garbage? (1), safe food and drugs: an ongoing regulatory battle (1), population: the ultimate environmental health issue (1), is the medical care system a public health issue? (1), why the U.S. medical system needs reform (1), public health and the aging population (1), how psychosocial factors affect health behavior (1), emergency preparedness post 9/11 (1), public health in the twenty-first century: achievements and challenges (1), a dozen problems in the philosophy of mind (1), the turn to materialism (1), arguments against materialism (1), consciousness part 1: consciousness and the mind-body problem (1), consciousness part 2: the structure of consciousness and neurobiology (1), the unconscious and the explanation of behavior (1), theories of global politics (1), the economy in a global age (1), the state and foreign policy in a global age (1), public health enemy number one: tobacco (1), do people choose their own health? (1), lost in the cosmos (1), memory and aging (1), the size of the earth (1), a new age dawns (1), wormholes and time travel (1), dangerous planet (1), the road to us (1), what is memory? (1), episodic memory: organizing and remembering (1), semantic memory and stored knowledge (1), incidental forgetting (1), motivated forgetting (1), memory in childhood (1), improving your memory (1), genetic diseases and other inborn errors (1), public health: science politics and prevention (1), why is public health controversial? (1), powers and responsibility of government (1), epidemiology: the basic science of public health (1), epidemiologic principles and methods (1), problems and limits of epidemiology (1), statistics: making sense of uncertainty (1), the role of data in public health (1), the "conquest" of infectious diseases (1), the resurgence of infectious diseases (1), the biomedical basis of chronic diseases (1), the unification of physics (1), Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola (1), the arrow of time (1), Juan Luis Vives (1), amnesia (1), intentionality (1), free will (1), The Koran (1), anselm (1), humanism (1), The End of Faith (1), Lorenzo Valla (1), Francesco Petrarca (1), Marsilio Ficino (1), starships (1), Pietro Pomponazzi (1), thought experiments (1), Ayaan Hirsi Ali (1), pascal's triangle (1), retrieval (1), working memory (1), mental causation (1), mind (1), eyewitness testimony (1), analytic (1), parallel universes (1), autobiographical memory (1), space and time (1), 16th century (1), idealism (1), quantum physics (1), meditation (1), finance (1), perception (1), chemistry (1), black holes (1), theoretical physics (1), excerpts (1), papers (1), public health (1), faster than light (1), universe (1), precognition (1), coincidences (1), teleportation (1), randomness (1), risk (1), psychokinesis (1), telepathy (1), ontological argument (1), terrorism (1), the origin and fate of the universe (1), In the Shadow of God (1), life itself (1), inferential statistics (1), the uncertainty principle (1), short-term memory (1), prospective memory (1), A.C. Grayling (1), foreign language (1), A Letter to the Six Billionth World Citizen (1), The Totalitarian Nature of Islam (1), Can an Atheist be a Fundamentalist?. Against All Gods (1), descriptive statistics (1), How (and Why) I Became an Infidel (1), perpetual motion machines (1), bayes's theorem (1), phasers and death stars (1), extraterrestrials and UFOs (1), antimatter and anti-universes (1), our picture of the universe (1), the expanding universe (1), elementary particles and the forces of nature (1), black holes ain't so black (1), the shape of time (1), study (1), mathematics (1), puzzles (1), predicting the future (1), chi-square (1), chance (1), montaigne (1), 19th century (1), pessimism (1), memory (1), invisibility (1), christian (1), catholicism (1), subjective probability (1), learning (1), france (1), time travel (1), robots (1), modern philosophy (1), Ibn Warraq (1), force fields (1), Sam Harris (1), the normal distribution (1), correlation and regression (1), society in a global age (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 30, 2010
Über mich
My picture is of a time that I was reading the Modern Philosophy: anthology of primary sources, that you can find in my library, while also enjoying a drink at a now closed local Starbucks
Georgia, USA

