
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
I have my books separated, books I've read and books I'm going to read. That going to read pile stays the same size most of the time because I keep adding to it. I read anything that catches my eye. My books don't really have a theme. I don't have a basic genre that I like. As long as it keeps my interest I can read about anything. My books really vary in genre.
Über mich
My name is Megan and I'm a Beatles kind of girl.

I love reading. In fact, that's where most of my money goes. I'm a college student studying to be a college English teacher. I'm definitely looking forward to the day I graduate! I love things like Harry Potter and Doctor Who. I'm not the party kind of college girl. I'm the "curl up on the couch and watch a good scifi movie after a big test" kind of college girl.

I'm a nerdfighter and loving it.
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