
read (42), recommended (13), sci-fi (7), witch (6), future (6), Cincinati (5), vampire (5), Supernatural (5), alternate timeline (5), Dune (5), bounty hunters (5), fantasy (4), pagan fiction (4), elves (4), gods (2), historical (2), Hard to find (1), death (1), mythology (1), realistic fiction (1), norse (1), self discovery (1), messiah (1), Diana Tregarde (1), light humor (1), spirts (1), WANTED (1), magic (1), egyptian (1), yaoi (1), travel (1), witches (1), mystery (1), supernatural (1), humor (1), religion (1), investigation (1), America (1), names (1), manga (1), fathers (1), drugs (1), Hindu (1), parody (1), music (1), sandworms (1), Odin (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 3, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
I read fantasy like it is my air. Unfortunately, with a 200 book limit, I have to leave out a good amount of books I read when I was younger. So, I read the first 25 or so Xanth novels, the original Little House books, a boatload of Valdemar books, and tons more books I can't even remember these days.

I left out my non-fiction reads, mostly becuase I never kept track of titles I was using for research. I've got a decent knowledge in Hindu traditions, centered around Kali, been all over the neo-pagan scene, research into mythology at any spare moment (currently absorbing Norse myths, next on the track is Chinese) and was in my younger days an animal/science geek. Ask me about the Okapi. (no don't, don't get me started on Okapia Jonstoni, a creature I've loved since I was in 2nd grade)
Über mich
Born 1989.

I read like mad. Librarians have been going wided eyed at my checkouts since kindergarten.
I'm Discordian, have a very sarcastic sense of humor, and hope one day to be an author myself.

I currently reside on and under the usernames Meiriona and Deandriea respectively.

I need more money to purchase books. Who wants to donate it to me?

But seriously, I spend all my money on books these days.

Not my fault manga is expensive and I buy half a dozen 400 page paperbacks at once. (My usual bookstore run cost, even with member discounts? $65+)

Oh yeah, I'm female. who woulda guessed, huh? Theres my sarcasm leaking again....
Troy, NY
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