
graphic novel (43), romance (28), mystery (24), books for adults (23), GCYRA 2008 (20), realistic fiction (18), books I loved (16), superheroes (16), fantasy (13), books I read to fall asleep (12), sci-fi (12), suspense (11), chick lit (11), dysfunctional families (9), Eisners 2008 (9), Marvel (9), horror (8), DC (8), historical fiction (8), humor (8), books I didn't like (6), abuse (5), DCU (5), boy book (4), alternate worlds (4), good for booktalks (4), books I didn't finish (4), GLBTQ (4), death (3), books about comics (3), mental illness (3), sex (3), music (3), families (3), sports (3), Mock Printz 2009 (3), school (3), friendship (3), urban fantasy (3), murder (3), graphic novels (3), award winner (3), vampires (3), non-fiction (3), embarrassing (3), dystopias (2), problem families (2), short stories (2), fat girls (2), student/teacher relationships (2), OEL manga (2), zombies (2), tweens (2), aliens (2), Vertigo (2), suicide (2), biography (2), fairies (2), boys (2), poetry (2), supernatural (2), religion (2), animals (2), action (2), bullying (2), if you liked Twilight (2), goth (1), video games (1), bromance (1), Dark Horse (1), Mari Read Alouds (1), missing persons (1), smart girls/stupid choices (1), sure-why not (1), social commentary (1), liked not loved (1), road-trips (1), teenage parents (1), Top Cow (1), football (1), sequel (1), Elseworlds (1), Tweens (1), web-comic (1), Nostalgia (1), Mock Printz (1), love unrequited (1), smart girls (1), Printz (1), geek read (1), shonen (1), alternating POV (1), quasi-fantasy (1), picture book for older readers (1), GCYRA 2007 (1), Ultimate universe (1), National Book Award Winner (1), gamers (1), magic (1), juvenile crime (1), relationships (1), illness (1), meh (1), books about books (1), manga (1), management (1), civil rights (1), memory (1), weird (1), 1940s (1), survival (1), fairy tales (1), violence (1), parody (1), thriller (1), demons (1), younger readers (1), college (1), werewolves (1), war (1), ethics (1), crossover (1), ghosts (1), friends (1), dragons (1), near future (1), science fiction (1), intergenerational friendship (1), based on true story (1), disfunctional families (1), books for boys (1), independent (1), Image (1), memoir (1), girl detective (1), villians (1), self-perception (1), retail (1), kung-fu (1), racisim (1), post-apocolypse (1), dreams (1), forensics (1), drug use (1), adventure (1), tie-in (1), Native Americans (1), self-help (1), mothers and daughters (1), environment (1), 9/11 (1), sexual abuse (1), gaming (1), stickin' it to the man (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 8, 2008
Über meine Bibliothek
These are mostly books that I read in my "professional capacity". I have a taste for fantasy, sci-fi and graphic novels, but try to read as widely as I can.
Über mich
Mother, Wife, Librarian, Goddess. I am all these things and more. Mere words cannot contain my being.

Seriously, I'm a teen services librarian in Arizona. I have 1 husband, 1 daughter, and 2 cats. I live in a small and messy apartment full of princess paraphenalia, Star Trek merch, and Doctor Who memorabilia.

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