
Bürgerlicher Name
Mike Dennis
Über mich
I'm a crime/noir fiction author living in Key West. I have a novel, THE TAKE, in current release, as well as a collection of short stories called BLOODSTAINS ON THE WALL.

I've got another novel that's also available. It's the first in the Key West Nocturnes series, lifting the veil off Key West, revealing it as a noir city. It's called SETUP ON FRONT STREET. The second novel in the series, THE GHOSTS OF HAVANA, is just out in ebook and paperback.

Coming very soon is the first installment in my Jack Barnett/Las Vegas series, a novelette called TEMPTATION TOWN. It introduces Jack Barnett, former private investigator from LA who, shall we say, decided to leave town rather abruptly and now lives a low-key life in Las Vegas. It will be available in ebook and paperback.

I also love reading in the noir genre. Some of my favorite authors are Jim Thompson, David Goodis, Charles Willeford, Vicki Hendricks, Mickey Spillane, and Gil Brewer.
Key West

