Über meine Bibliothek

Only my all-time favorite fiction and nonfiction books, of which I own physical copies, are in this library. All fiction here has earned five stars; all nonfiction here has earned at least four stars.

Über mich

Do you want to see various graphic works which I consider on par with my five-star LibraryThing books? If so, then check out my full member gallery, available from this page.

Not sure what a "graphic work" is? Well, some say the definition is complicated, but I keep it simple: "panels" + "word balloons" = "graphic work". I prefer not to list them using LibraryThing's standard tools, because usually a single graphic work comes in many formats (print vs. digital ... collected vs. uncollected ... ad-free vs. ads with backmatter)--and I'm unsure how to deal with them all on this website, to be honest.


