
2010 (91), Audio (89), Series (79), YA (62), 2009 (60), 2011 (57), Fantasy (57), Non-Fiction (50), Horror (44), 1001 Books to Read Before You Die (40), Fiction (37), Sci-Fi (34), Paranormal (22), Anthology (20), Vampires (19), Gay (18), Dystopia (14), Memoir (14), Stephen King (14), Graphic Novel (13), Speculative Fiction (12), Mythology (12), New Weird (11), Humor (11), Historical Fiction (7), Magic (7), Textbook (7), Psions (7), Coming of Age (6), Misery Lit (6), Animals (5), Biography (5), GLBT (5), Kindle (5), Mystery (5), Religion (4), Thriller (4), Sociology (4), History (4), Murder (4), Wizardry Series (4), Bruce Coville's Alien Adventures (4), Cthulhu Mythos (4), Aliens (4), Zombies (3), Psychology (3), Friendship (3), Noir (3), Movie Tie-In (3), Comic (3), Time Travel (3), Art (3), Women (3), Survival (3), Supernatural (3), Death (3), Apocalypse (3), Knitting (3), Crime (3), Play (3), Shakespeare (3), America (3), True Crime (3), Indiana Jones (3), Ambergris (2), Ghosts (2), Poverty (2), Gender (2), Cannibalism (2), Steampunk (2), Primatology (2), Physics (2), Detective (2), Retelling (2), Archaeology (2), Western (2), Libraries (2), Childhood (2), Grammar (2), Weird Fiction (2), Africa (2), Demons (2), China (2), Prehistoric Fiction (2), Homelessness (2), Travel (2), Forensics (2), Essays (2), Writing (2), Science (2), Manga (2), Gangs (1), Roman Mythology (1), Skepticism (1), Revenge (1), Greek Mythology (1), Inequality (1), Torture (1), Serial Killers (1), Suicide (1), Prostitution (1), Weight Loss (1), Child Abuse (1), Space Opera (1), Memory (1), Annotated (1), Medicine (1), Japanese Fiction (1), Egyptian Mythology (1), Short Stories (1), Anthropophagy (1), Kane Chronicles (1), 1930s (1), 1950s (1), 1001 Books to Read Before you Die (1), Terrorism (1), Arkham Asylum (1), Convention (1), Lawrence of Arabia (1), Baboons (1), South (1), Mutants (1), Ninja (1), 1960s (1), Weird Tales (1), Post-Apocalyptic (1), Metaphor (1), Bards (1), Egyptian mythology (1), Creative Non-Fiction (1), Primates (1), Princess (1), Devil (1), Allegory (1), Sappho (1), TV Tie-in (1), Faeries (1), Telepathy (1), Atheism (1), Circus (1), War (1), Middle East (1), Dexter (1), Orphans (1), Cats (1), 2012 (1), Chick Lit (1), Hellboy (1), Medieval (1), England (1), Baseball (1), Adventure (1), Biology (1), Illustrated (1), Politics (1), Journal (1), India (1), Love (1), Style (1), Italy (1), Classic (1), Anthropology (1), Satire (1), Greek (1), Bonobos (1), Myths (1), Exploration (1), Prison (1), Public Speaking (1), Cyberpunk (1), TV Tie-In (1), Utopia (1), Batman (1), Lesbian (1), Pirates (1), Feminism (1), Astronomy (1), Dark Tower (1), Chicago World's Fair (1), Colonialism (1), Fairies (1), Urban Fantasy (1), Lovecraft (1), Wilderness (1), Titan (1), South America (1), Self Help (1), Relationships (1), Great Depression (1), Bible (1), Ireland (1), Government (1), Egypt (1), Buffy (1), Nauticle (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 17, 2008
Über meine Bibliothek
I have 800-ish books at my home and I visit the public library often. I want this to be an accurate list of books I've read, so if I own it but haven't read it yet (which is quite a few of my books) then it doesn't go on here. I feel like that's cheating.

If it's marked with a year, then that's what year I read the book (obviously). If there's no year, I probably read it some time before 2009 as I hadn't started recording my books at that time.

I work full-time as well as taking 4 (plus a lab) classes at the local college, so most of my "reading" lately has been via audio book. I try to only "read" unabridged audio.

My 2010 75 Book Challenge thread:

My 2011 75 Book Challenge thread:
Über mich
I love to read! Some of my favorite genres are New Weird, Horror, and Misery Lit. The smattering of Chick Lit and Thrillers in my library are me trying to expanding my reading circle.

I'm going to school to become a librarian. I have a lot of story ideas, and I have started reading books about writing so I can put them down on paper in a coherent manner.

In my non-reading free time I play a lot of video games. I also like board games, Magic the Gathering, and discussing authors/stories I like. That beautiful kitten in my profile pic? That's my Manx Sophia, I lost her too soon in January 2011.
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